PhD Students

Serena Cuomo

Serena Cuomo is a doctoral student at the University of Santiago de Compostela, working under the supervision of Rosa M. Rodriguez Porto and Aglae Pizzone. She is based at the History, Geography and Art History PhD programme of USC, as well as associated to the Centro de Investigación Interuniversitario de los Paisajes Atlánticos Culturales (CISPAC). She holds an MA in History of Art and Conservation of the Artistic Heritage from Ca’ Foscari University (Venice). Her main research interests include medieval history and art, mainly the study of the meaning of images. Her research project – Emotional visual narratives: The Trojan legend in the Veneto in the Trecento, official and unofficial reception – aims to analyze two of the most lavishly Trojan manuscripts illustrated in the Veneto area, such as the Roman de Troie in Paris (BnF, Fr. 782; Padua or Verona, c. 1330-1340) and the Historia destructionis Troiae now in Madrid (BNE, ms. 17805; Venice, c. 1348), in order to survey the gestural imaginary generated from the early Trecento on, in the encounter with both classicizing rhetorical models of Ovidian imprint and Graeco-Roman sculpture, and many times mediated through Byzantine visual culture.
