We are…


UniSalento is the leading beneficiary for the work package Linguistic Heritage. Fellows at UniSalento will be enrolled in the PhD Program in Languages, Literatures, Cultures and related practices (Dottorato in Lingue Letterature, Culture e loro applicazioni) The project will be hosted by the Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici. The Department is host to the Centro Studi sulle Minoranze Linguistiche della Puglia (CeSmil). CeSMIL’s goal is to protect and preserve local cultural heritage. It also coordinates and promotes interdisciplinary research activities on the historical linguistic minorities of the region. The department participates in the Centro di Ricerca Interdipartimentale Digital Humanities (Centro DH). Covering a wide range of disciplines, Centro DH plans and coordinates shared projects across departments in the area of information sciences, computer technologies and digital and network applications.

Marcello Aprile
