Incredible how you can / See right through me

LaMeDan at work on the palimpsest XL (38).

As you may already know from the post titled “A series of unpredictable events”, the Biblioteca Capitolare of Verona, the oldest library still operating in the Western world, houses a significant number of palimpsests – i.e. manuscripts whose first layer of writing was scraped to allow their reuse – some in Latin, others in Greek.… Continue reading Incredible how you can / See right through me

A series of unpredictable events…

Prof Paolo Scattolin working on a palimpsest in Leiden

The doctoral students who will study Greek marginalia and palimpsests in Verona will owe their (hopefully positive) experience to a series of unpredictable events in the professional life of yours truly. My interest in commentaries on the texts of classical Greek literature dates back to my Master’s thesis, in which I worked on Heliodorus’ esoteric… Continue reading A series of unpredictable events…